When is the best time to visit Santorini?. Photographe vidéaste à Santorin|Séances photos de Robe volante Santorin|

If you want to enjoy the views of Santorini with fewer people, stay in the pool and not get too hot, I recommend that you come in April and May, in April the hotel prices are lower. And if it is very important for you to spend a few days at the sea at the black sand beach in Santorini, I recommend you to come after September 15- October 10, after October 10 the weather cools down and sometimes rain is possible, but you can also catch good days Officially, the end of October is also considered the end of the season

Winter in Santorini

When is the best time to visit Santorini?. Photographe vidéaste à Santorin|Séances photos de Robe volante Santorin|
